How to Train Your Dog for
Film & TV

Learn from Hollywood Blockbuster Dog Trainer and Get Inside Industry Secrets
for Training Your Dog, Winning the Work and Having a Blast in the Film & TV Industry

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How to Train Your Dog for Film & TV  × 1 $197.00
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How to Train Your Dog for Film & TV  × 1 $197.00
Subtotal $197.00
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Total $197.00

What Student Film & TV Dog Trainers
Have to Say...

We secretly let 10 Student BETA testers into the course to provide us feedback - here's some of their honest feedback.

"Industry insights are so valuable. It's clear the experience Bente has and it's like I've just skipped 5 years into it."
Sam and "Rusty"
"Love the step-by-step breakdowns of tricks. Easy to understand and do with my own dog straight away. Excited to build show reel."
Lily and "Kona"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Just loving this course and Bente's force-free approach. So loving and gentle - and it works so quickly!"
Jeff W.